Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The bus is my main mode of transportation here, except when I miss it then I hope my host-mom is able to give me a ride. For the first half of the week I took the bus to and from my home-stay with at least one of my roommates. Then the time came when I had to take it...alone.
It was really confusing how to read a bus schedule in French at first, but I am starting to get the hang of it. The bus system is extensive, to give you an idea here is the massive bus route map:

I just remember that I have to take the #13 bus to go to and from home and the university. I haven't expanded my bus route knowledge beyond this. If I take a different bus I would get lost very easily. I purchased a bus pass for the month since I'll be riding it a lot and I don't want to carry around change all the time.

My bus approaches
People of all ages ride the bus here and they are very friendly, as well as the driver. The driver greets you with a friendly "Bonjour!" and riders usually say "Merci!" (Thank you) on the way out. Also, younger people are kind to older passengers, usually giving up their seats for them. 

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